783A.11/9–2352: Telegram
No. 493
The Chargé in Lebanon (Lobenstine) to the
Department of State1
Beirut, September 23, 1952—3
605. Herewith Emb’s evaluation of Pres Chamoun’s prospects:2
- 1.
- Whether true or not almost every one in Leb believes Chamoun has Brit sponsorship. As result Brit interests may prosper. On other hand, Chamoun may be forced to react by leaning over backward to avoid stigma of connection with Brit whose interests cld actually be harmed. In any case, many observers believe he will pull Leb from pro-French cultural orbit.
- 2.
- In long run, Amer influence will probably be stronger not only with Chamoun but all Lebanese politicians by reason of our much talked about neutrality during election campaign. Chamoun is definitely our friend and when elected was preparing for Point IV leader-grant visit to US. As member of opposition bloc in deputies, he voted against Point IV but chiefly because he felt it wld aid in keeping Khouri regime in power. Jumblatt, leader of bloc to which Chamoun belonged, last night told an Emb employee, “this means no MEDO and danger to Point IV program”. Remark was make jokingly but cld suggest future difficulties.
- 3.
- As Min to England and Lebanese UN delegate, Chamoun established many friendly ties with politicos in other Arab states. His relations with them shld be most friendly, particularly with Brit-influenced Jordan and Iraq. He will probably give strong support to strengthening of Arab League.
- 4.
- As Nationalist Socialist bloc member, heavily influenced by Kamal Jumblatt, Chamoun is of liberal thought. It remains to be [Page 1009] seen whether Jumblatt influence along socialistic lines will be altogether for good.
- 5.
- Chamoun will undoubtedly undertake significant reforms. Emphasis on non-sectarianism may well cause strong emotionalism particularly amongst Christian communities.
- 6.
- Chamoun who is not wealthy is extremely affable and enjoys great personal popularity. He does not have a a powerful personality, however, and there is some danger that in trying to please everybody he may be imposed upon by stronger polit personalities.
- 7.
- Honeymoon obviously now exists. Show-down will come when polit barons, who still hold Parl seats and who voted Chamoun to presidency, seek to retain their vested interests in face of reform programs he and his opposition friend will introduce.