No. 442
The Secretary of
State to the Israeli Foreign Minister (Sharett)
Dear Mr. Minister: I have received through the Israel Minister in Paris your message of May 22 concerning the negotiations between Israel and the German Federal Republic on Israel and Jewish claims.
I have discussed this matter with Chancellor Adenauer and have reiterated the hope of the United States Government that a satisfactory settlement can be reached in the near future.
Chancellor Adenauer has informed me that the discussions have now been resumed in Paris and that according to his reports they are going well. It is also my understanding that the head of the German delegation has withdrawn his resignation.
[Page 940]Now that the negotiations have been resumed, it is my belief that with the good will which exists on both sides, it should prove possible to arrive at a reasonable and early settlement.1
Sincerely yours,
Acknowledged by Sharett in a letter of June 16 which reads in part as follows:
“I am deeply grateful for your action in addressing Chancellor Adenauer on the subject of Jewish material claims from Germany. The salutary influence of your expression of interest has become known to us, and has, indeed, reflected itself in the course of informal discussions with German representatives in recent days.
“I share your impression that the prospects of a satisfactory settlement appear to be brighter than when I sent you my message on May 22. However, there remain many vital points to be settled and we are grateful to feel the continuous active and sympathetic interest of the United States.” (262.84A41/6–1852)