684A.86/5–552: Telegram
No. 428
The Minister in Syria (Cannon) to the Department of State1
649. Dept pass Defense. Fol two recent steps appear to be part Israel campaign consolidate absolute control over Syro-Israel demil zone west bank of Jordan and take step toward same objective in zone east of Jordan:
- 1.
- Arabs of Shamalneh District which was scene of last years heavy fighting have been told by Israeli they may not reside here but only work in zone in daytime. Six local Arab police threatened [Page 925] with shooting if they do not get out (to Syria). Arab women gathering firewood north of Shamalneh were fired upon May 2.
- 2.
- Arab farmers working on 300 dunums of PLDC owned land east of dam above Daughters of Jacob Bridge have been ordered desist, notwithstanding fact they have farmed this land for many years. Israel has threatened eject them forcibly and fired on unarmed farmers May 2.
No casualties reported.
These developments came shortly after Syrians had asked MAC Chairman inform Israel Govt their desire establish new demarcation line they have been considering (Legtel 319 Dec 32 and Legdesp 317 Dec 53) and were awaiting Israel reply.
Syrians did not return fire but are increasingly retrive [restive?]. They have great respect for MAC Chairman Taxis and we believe he can continue control situation if given proper dipl support. We are counselling Syrians place full confidence in him and refrain from resort to arms regardless of provocation.
We recommend Dept consider urging Israel reps both in Washington and Tel Aviv give full coop to MAC Chairman and move towards settlement zone question by refraining from any use force and giving sympathetic consideration Syrian proposals for new demarcation line. Only if Syria and Israel can be brought to attend MAC mtgs on zone question in spirit of compromise does peaceful settlement appear likely.
- Repeated to Tel Aviv, London, Paris, Amman, Ankara, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Jidda, Jerusalem, Moscow, Rome (for Unger), and Tripoli.↩
- For text, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. V, p. 1309.↩
- Not printed.↩