684A.86/3–952: Telegram

No. 414
The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Department of State1


726. Depcirtel 758, March [4]. Emb has observed little or no change indicating relaxation Iraq–Israel tension. Nuri has repeatedly stressed, probably sincerely, (1) his conception collective security pact as being defensive without aggressive intention re Israel, (2) his view that pact cld be basis for wider defense arrangements against external threat (Embdesp 822 Mar 52). Such statements, however, shld not be interpreted as indicating real decrease basis [Page 907] Iraq antagonism to Israel. (Incidentally Zafrullah’s remark re Israel severely criticized by press here.)

In Emb’s view, 95 percent Iraq people still regard Israel as number one danger rather than USSR. Any change or developments will be reported fully.

  1. Repeated to Tel Aviv, Cairo, Beirut, Damascus, Tripoli, Benghazi, Jidda, Amman, and Jerusalem.
  2. Not printed; it described a conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Pasha on the question of Middle East defense. (780.5/3–552)