684A.86/3–752: Telegram

No. 412
The Chargé in Jordan (Fritzlan) to the Department of State1


249. Re Depcirtel 758, March 4. As mentioned in Legtel 244, Feb 29, Jordan Israel border relations have been relatively quiet in past month. Leg further understands from Ahmad Tuqan he proposing to PriMin Abulhuda Jordan agree adjustments armistice line in Latrun area which wld group villages in area together with their lands with result that monastery, several villages and portion Jerusalem road now in Jordan wld come within Israel and certain Arab villages in Israel wld come on Jordan’s side of line. PriMin understood studying proposal.

Foregoing developments must be considered as of procedural rather than substantive importance. Leg has been unable discover any evidence indicating departure from PriMin’s stated policy (Legtel 51, July 31)2 that his govt will not make peace settlement with Israel apart from other Arab League members. Undoubtedly in Jordan (the only Arab country suffering substantially from adhering to polit and econ boycott of Israel) there is some support, largely based on private interest, for opening up normal relations with Israel and it is possible that at AL mtg in Cairo Abulhuda will sound out Egypt on matter. Egypt is probably key to sit which might develop from this mtg.

Local paper Al-Diffa has in last few days carried series of editorials violently attacking policy of peace with Israel. Writer refers to recent statements on subject in Israel press and concludes Israel seeking peace because pressure econ blockade acutely felt. Recent peace “maneuvers” are attributed to US and Egypt pressure and are said to be based on ME defense requirements.

  1. Repeated to Baghdad, Jidda, Damascus, Jerusalem, Ankara, London, Cairo, Beirut, Tel Aviv, Tripoli, and Paris.
  2. Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. V, p. 990.