No. 332
Editorial Note
Telegram 355, from Jidda, February 16, reported a Mecca newspaper had published a statement, attributed to an “official spokesman Saudi Foreign Office”, to the effect that the Saudi Arabian Government had not concluded an agreement with A. S. Onassis for transporting Saudi Arabian oil. The paper quoted the Foreign Office as reporting that Onassis had submitted an application for [Page 790] consideration, but it was still under consideration. Furthermore, the spokesman said the Government would observe obligations in existing agreements with Aramco. The text of the newspaper article was transmitted in despatch 299 from Jidda, February 28.
Telegram 360 from Jidda, February 21, informed the Department of State the Ambassador had consulted with Aramco officials on the tanker matter and believed the vice president of Aramco had persuaded the King to withhold approval of the agreement. Documentation is in Department of State file 886A.2553.