782.5/2–1354: Telegram

No. 192
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran1

top secret

1722. Informal conversations Turks Pakistanis concerning cooperation agreement now far advanced and joint communiqué announcing intention two governments to negotiate such agreement expected near future.2 We have confidentially informed Pakistan our readiness provide military aid in context Turk–Pak agreement and announcement to this effect will follow shortly after Turk–Pak communiqué.

Communiqué expected to state the “two governments have agreed to study methods of achieving greater friendly cooperation in the political, economic and cultural sphere, as well as of strengthening peace and security in their own interest and also in that of all peace-loving nations.”

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Precise form of agreement still under discussion but two countries in accord as to basic principles. Agreement will be flexibly drawn and open to accession other countries. It will, inter alia, provide for consultation on international matters of mutual interest, cooperation in cultural, economic and technical fields, consultation and cooperation in field of defense, including exchange of technical information, production of arms and ammunition, and studies of ways and extent of cooperation in event of unprovoked aggression.

Within two or three day period prior issuance of communiqué, diplomatic preparations will be undertaken by Turks in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and India. (Information not yet available as to Pakistan intentions this matter.) There is some basis for believing Iraqi leaders may be interested accession arrangement, and Turks plan make it clear that way open for such accession. In Afghanistan, Turks will endeavor provide assurance that agreement with Paks will not affect long-established friendship of Turks for Afghanistan and will not involve Turkey in Afghan–Pak dispute. In Iran and India, Turks merely plan provide advance information as to nature of proposed arrangement. Although Iranians will no doubt be given to understand that way open to them accede, no overtures will be made. Advance notice will also be supplied NAC.

Turk–Pak arrangement has developed from initiative of two countries and Department believes it important that indigenous character of venture should be emphasized. Although U.S. interest has been shown from start and we have given encouragement, Department convinced U.S. should remain as far in background as possible. U.S. representatives should follow this line in their official contacts. No objection to statement U.S. informed in advance developments underway and had encouraged them, but knowledge of details should not be revealed in advance their public announcement.

Department’s public comment on Turk–Pak communiqué will emphasize local initiative. In order avoid impression official U.S. collaboration, comment will probably be made in regular press conference by Departmental spokesman. Advance copy will be furnished through USIA missions and should be used as guidance for any local comment required.

  1. Repeated to Baghdad and Colombo for Jernegan. Drafted by Daspit and cleared by NEA, NE, and GTI.
  2. Telegrams 607 from Karachi, Feb. 10 and 838 from Ankara, Feb. 11, neither printed, advised the Department of State that Turkey and Pakistan were believed to be in general agreement on the text of a communiqué reporting an agreement between the two countries. Those two telegrams and additional information are in Department of State file 780.5.