780.5/4–3053: Telegram
No. 129
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in
2106. Believe you should know we have recent intelligence reports which indicate Egyptians have no intention cooperating with West in Regional Defense Organization even if Suez question settled [Page 364] to their satisfaction. General impression conveyed these reports is that Egyptians planning adopt “neutral” attitude and while willing and eager receive Western assistance would refuse make any public or private commitments in return.
This impression reenforced by recent Egyptian public statements and private conversation new Ambassador here. (See memo of conversation with Jernegan April 24.)2
Realize this may be bargaining position but we are nevertheless concerned at apparent stiffening Egyptian attitude, especially since some of our information indicates intransigent views may be sincerely held by members inner-circle RCC and are not merely reactions to public opinion.
We also wonder whether protestations of desire for peace with Israel might not be simply window dressing to be disregarded once British evacuation achieved.
Would appreciate your analysis in light of above.
- Drafted by Jernegan and cleared by NEA and R.↩
- Not found in Department of State files, but see the memorandum of conversation, Document 132.↩