750G.00/9–553: Telegram
No. 104
The Ambassador in Italy
(Luce) to the Department of State
790. Personal for Secretary. In view of what Pella said to me this evening, I think we should not overlook possibility that this current situation regarding Trieste may logically develop in such manner in next week so that Italian Government could accept Zone A–Zone B split without imposing upon us necessity of supporting further Italian claims.
That is, should Tito annex Zone B and we are prepared to allow Italians immediately thereupon to annex Zone A, I think that Italian [Page 263] Government would thereafter be able to accept this de facto situation as liveable solution of Trieste question. Great virtue of seizing this unique opportunity, which would exist only in present context, is that it would relieve us of necessity of making any further declarations concerning Italian claims such as is implicitly involved in so-called “provisional” solution. Embtel 789, September 51 indicates that immediate decision our part to turn Zone A to Italians if Tito annexes Zone B, would constitute all satisfaction that Italian public opinion would demand to continue support of government. My conviction after conversation with Pella is that this development would indeed strengthen his government.
I realize the tripartite complexities involved in arriving at and coordinating such outcome but urge fullest consideration of seizing upon this realistic opportunity which could be provided by logic of events.
However unsatisfactory situation would then be, there are many indications that Italians would prefer to take this risk rather than postpone any solution and indefinitely protract present tension and further endanger stability of Pella’s government.