662A.00/5–1552: Telegram
No. 536
The Secretary of
State to the Office of the United
States High Commissioner for Germany, at Bonn1
3150. We have noted from May 13 report Fon Broadcast Info Service that threatening press conference statement made by Ulbricht on May 12 regarding consequences for West Berlin of signing of gen agreement was in response to question by Freie Presse representative worded as fol: “It is known that at the last mtg of [Page 1244] the SPD Regional Executive in Berlin it was advocated that the gen agreement shld also be applied to West Berlin. What in your opinion are the special consequences of the extension of the gen agreement to West Berlin?”
Since this question presumably planted possibility exists either there is real misunderstanding in Sov minds regarding applicability gen agreement to Berlin or that deliberate effort being made confuse issue so as provide ostensible legal basis for action being contemplated against Berlin after signature contractual agreements. Either event some clear statement for the record seems desirable.
We accordingly request you discuss question earliest opportunity with your Brit and Fr colleagues and Adenauer with view agreement on clarifying statement to be made regarding intended position of Berlin after contractual agreements become effective. Timing and tone such statement shld, of course, avoid giving impression we are being overly defensive or merely reacting out of timidity to Sov threats.
You will undoubtedly likewise wish consult with Reuter and obtain his suggestions as to how best achieve clarification without at same time discouraging Berlin expectancies of at least some favorable revision present status and procedures.2
- Drafted by Hillenbrand and cleared with Barbour by Laukhuff. Repeated to Berlin, London, Paris, and Moscow.↩
On May 17 Lyon replied that he doubted whether there was any misunderstanding by the Soviet Union concerning the applicability of the general agreement to Berlin, but suggested that this was a deliberate use of wording which could be twisted in any direction to justify either action or lack of action. (Telegram 1364 from Berlin, 662A.00/5–1752) The same day McCloy reported that the High Commissioners agreed on the need for a statement. (Telegram 2906 from Bonn, 662A.00/5–1752) The statement was, after consultation with Reuter, released to the press on May 19, and reads as follows:
“The three Western cmdts this afternoon handed to Mayor Reuter, for his advance info, text of declaration on Berlin, which is to establish future basis of relationship between Allied Kommandatura and Berlin city govt. This declaration by AK, which will replace present statement of principles governing this relationship, has been evolved in light of views expressed by Mayor Reuter and the Berlin Senat.
“In handling the declaration to Mayor Reuter the cmdts pointed out that, since general agreement and related agreements between Western Allies and FedRep of Ger will have no direct bearing on status of Berlin, which is and must remain, under existing circumstances, quite different from that of FedRep, it had been decided to issue separate declaration re Berlin. Cmdts also stressed that while AK will continue to retain its supreme authority in Berlin on same basis of occupation as in past, new declaration had been drawn up with view to granting Berlin city govt maximum freedom compatible with special situation of Berlin.”
(Telegram 1368 from Berlin, May 19, 662A.00/5–1952) For the Declaration on Berlin, see Document 538.