662.001/3–2252: Telegram
No. 78
The Secretary of
State to the Office of the United
States High Commissioner for Germany, at
2209. Fol is text referred preceding tel:2
- “1. US Govt, in consultation with the Govts of UK and France, have given the most careful consideration to the Sov Govts note of 10 Mar3 which proposed the conclusion of a peace treaty with Ger. They have also consulted the Govt of the Ger Federal Republic and the Reps of Berlin.
- 2. The conclusion of a just and lasting peace treaty which wld end the division of Ger has always been and remains an essential objective of US Govt. As the Sov Govt itself recognizes, the conclusion of such a treaty requires the formation of an all-Ger Govt, expressing the will of the Ger people. Such a Govt can only be set up on the basis of free elections in the Federal Republic, the Sov Zone of occupation and Berlin. Such elections can only be held in circumstances which safeguard the national and individual liberties of the Ger people. In order to ascertain whether this first essential condition exists, the GA of the UN has appointed a comm to carry out a simultaneous investigation in the Federal Republic, the Sov Zone and Berlin. The Comm of Investigation has been assured of the necessary facilities in the Federal Republic and in Western Berlin. US Govt wld be glad to learn that such facilities will also be afforded in the Sov Zone and in Eastern Berlin, to enable the Comm to carry out its task.
- 3. The Sov Govt’s proposals do not indicate what the internatl position of an all-Ger Govt wld be. The US Govt considers that the all-Ger Govt shld be free both before and after the conclusion of a [Page 190] peace treaty to enter into assocs compatible with the principles and purposes of the UN.
- 4. In putting forward its proposals for a Ger peace treaty, the Sov Govt expressed its readiness also to discuss other proposals. The US Govt has taken due note of this statement. In its view, it will not be possible to engage in detailed discussion of a peace treaty until conditions have been created for free elections and until a free all-Ger Govt which cld participate in such discussion has been formed. There are many fundamental questions which wld have to be resolved.
- 5. For example, US Govt notes that the Sov Govt makes the statement that the terr of Ger is determined by frontiers laid down by the decisions of the Potsdam conference. US Govt wld recall that in fact no definitive Ger frontiers were laid down by the Potsdam decisions, which clearly provided that the final determination of territorial questions must await the peace settlement.
- 6. US Govt also observes that the Sov Govt now considers that the peace treaty shld provide for the formation of Ger natl land, air, and sea forces, while at the same time imposing limitations on Ger’s freedom to enter into assoc with other countries. US Govt considers that such provisions wld be a step backwards and might jeopardize the emergence in Eur of a new era in which internatl relations wld be based on cooperation and not on rivalry and distrust. Being convinced of the need of a policy of Eur unity, the US Govt is giving its full support to plans designed to secure the participation of Ger in a purely defensive Eur community which will preserve freedom, prevent aggression, and preclude the revival of natl militarism. US Govt believes that the proposal of the Sov Govt for the formation of Ger natl forces is inconsistent with the achievement of this objective. The US Govt remains convinced that this policy of Eur unity cannot threaten the interests of any country and represents the true path of peace.”4
- Drafted by Calhoun and cleared with Barbour. Repeated to Berlin, Moscow, London, and Paris.↩
- Telegram 2208 to Bonn reported that the text of the note transmitted in telegram 2209 had been approved by the President, but as yet had not been approved by Eden or Schuman. (662.001/3–2252)↩
- Document 65.↩
The final paragraph of the draft transmitted in telegram 5749, Mar. 20 (see footnote 3, Document 76), reads as follows:
“6. HMG also observe that the Sov Govt now consider that the peace treaty shld provide for the formation of Ger natl land, air and sea forces, while at the same time imposing limitations on Germany’s freedom to enter into association with other countries. These and other points in the Sov Govt’s note call for a clear reaffirmation by HMG of their policies toward Ger and toward Eur. HMG are giving their full support to plans which will secure the cooperation of Ger in a purely defensive Eur community designed to preserve its freedom, to ensure security against aggression, and to preclude the revival of Ger militarism. They are opposed to the formation of Ger natl forces, as proposed by the Sov Govt, which wld endanger the cause of Eur unity. That cause, they are convinced, represents the true path of peace.”
The final paragraph of the draft transmitted in the telecon on Mar. 21 (see the editorial note, supra) reads as follows:
“6. HMG also observe that the Soviet Government now consider that the peace treaty should provide for the formation of German national land, air and sea forces, while at the same time imposing limitations on Germany’s freedom to enter into association with other countries. HMG consider that such provisions would be a step backwards and might jeopardize the emergence in Europe of a new era in which international relations would be based on cooperation and not on rivalry and distrust. Being convinced of the need of a policy of European unity, HMG are opposed to the formation of German national forces as proposed by the Soviet Government. In the same conviction, they are giving their full support to plans designed to secure the participation of Germany in a purely defensive European community which will preserve freedom and prevent aggression and preclude the revival of German militarism. HMG remain convinced that this policy of European unity cannot threaten the interests of any country and represents the true path of peace.”