No. 63
The Chairman of the Allied High Commission for Germany to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany1

Mr. Chancellor: I refer to paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Finance Convention2 which provides that the appropriate German authorities shall, after presentation to them of a payment authorization issued by the Forces, effect the payment in the amount shown in the payment authorization. It is agreed to be in the interest of all concerned that payment shall be made as early as possible.

Accordingly, I understand it has been agreed that the appropriate German authorities will deal with such payments as follows:

Except as provided in paragraph 3, payment shall be made within fifteen days after presentation of the payment authorization.
Payment of wages and salaries shall be effected within one week after presentation of the payment authorization.
In exceptional cases the payment period referred to in paragraph 1 may be exceeded if the appropriation authorities of the Forces do not object. The German authorities will give prior notice to the authorities of the Forces of the necessity for such an extension of the period and the reasons therefor.

I would appreciate your confirmation of this understanding.

I beg Your Excellency to accept [etc.]

John J. McCloy
  1. Source: Reprinted from Senate Q and R, p. 159. On May 26 Adenauer transmitted to McCloy a letter acknowledging receipt of the High Commissioners’ letter and agreeing with its contents. For the Chancellor’s letter, see ibid., p. 160.
  2. Document 55.