No. 700
Editorial Note

On April 13, the Joint Chiefs of Staff submitted to the Secretary of Defense a memorandum outlining their views on the problems noted in connection with the Icelandic negotiations in Bonbright’s memorandum, supra. The Secretary of Defense transmitted the JCS memorandum to the Secretary of State under a covering letter dated May 3. (740B.5/5–354) On the basis of the views contained in the JCS memorandum and the concurrence of the Secretary of Defense in these views, the Department of State formulated and sent to the Legation in Iceland a new set of instructions for bringing the negotiations to a conclusion. Transmitted in telegrams 226, May 5, and 228, May 6, the 12-page set of instructions dealt with all of the aspects of military construction, United States troop restrictions, and additional military requirements at issue between the United States and Icelandic Governments. (740B.5/3–2954)