Editorial Note
In preparation for the Foreign Ministers meetings the Department of State drafted three series of papers. The first, designated ST D–1 through ST D–5, covered topics that might be considered at tripartite meetings including Europe (ST D–1), the Far East (ST D–2), trade (ST D–3), the Middle East (ST D–4), and disarmament (ST D–5). The second, designated STB D–1 through STB D–4, covered topics that might be discussed with the British including ANZUS, aid to the United Kingdom, and problems of the Middle East. The third series, designated STF D–1 through STF D–4, covered topics that might be [Page 1608] discussed with the French including North Africa, Indochina, NATO status of forces agreements, aid to France, and a general paper (STF D–4) on secondary problems that might be raised in discussions with the French. None of these papers is printed, but copies are in the Conference files, lot 59 D 95, CF 158.
The documentation that follows presents first a record of the meetings of the Foreign Ministers and then the documents which they discussed and/or approved. Material on every meeting for which a record has been found in the Department of State files is included. The Conference files, lot 59 D 95, CFs 157 and 158 and the CFM files, lot M 88, box 165 contain the most extensive and most nearly complete records for the meetings including minutes, copies of talking papers, materials dealing with the preparations for the meetings, and related documentation. Telegraphic summaries of the meetings and some cables dealing with the preparations for them are in 396.1 WA. For the texts of the statement made by Secretary Dulles and the replies by Lord Salisbury and Bidault upon their arrival in Washington, July 9, see Department of State Bulletin, July 30, 1953, pages 70–71.