396.1 LO/9–3054
President Eisenhower to Prime Minister Churchill 1
Dear Winston: Foster has kept me informed on the progress of the talks now going forward in the Nine-Power Conference. Both officially and personally I am most deeply appreciative of the contribution that Britain has offered to make to advance European unity.
Of course I understand fully your reluctance to move without parallel commitment by us. However, our constitutional processes do not permit this, but I am certain that so long as Europe is moving toward unified action, you can always be sure of our effective cooperation on the continent. In this statement I know I speak for the tremendous majority of the citizens of our country.
In this often confused world, it is encouraging to witness the enlightened and courageous statesmanship exhibited by you and Anthony. In this instance, as in so many others, I have the greatest admiration for your judgments and actions.
Please give my warm regard to Anthony, and, as always, the best to yourself.
As ever,
- This message was transmitted to the Department of State in telegram Lowry 5006, Sept. 30, with instructions from President Eisenhower that it be forwarded to Churchill with a copy furnished the Secretary; the message was sent to London as instructed in telegram Tedul 14, Sept. 30.↩