740.5/2–2152: Telegram
Secto 30. 1. Final mtg of three mins with Adenauer in London was held Tues, Feb 19.
2. Security controls.2 Official subcommittee presented draft language which cld be inserted in Art A–4 of EDC treaty as subpara (d). After some discussion of majority needed for decisions by EDC Council on this matter, it was agreed exact language shld be left to Paris EDC conference but language recommended shld run along fol lines:
“Not to place orders, as concerns the materials enumerated in list II, in strategically exposed, areas except in accordance with gen directives of the Council of Mins unanimously agreed”
There followed brief discussion of draft text of letter to be sent by Chancellor to other EDC govts.3 Gers had proposed that sentence assuring equal supply of arms to Ger contingents shld apply to arms “of all kinds” but Adenauer quickly accepted US–UK redraft limiting assurance to arms of types “necessary to fulfill (Ger) assigned task to def of Europe”. Adenauer also gave way without discussion on handling of research problem and abandoned proposal to enable Ger scientists participate “in all kinds of research work”, in favor of UK–US proposal preventing Ger research in listed armaments except as requested by EDC. Four mins then agreed texts of two ltrs to be sent by Adenauer, as telegraphed textually from HICOG Bonn Feb 20 (telegram numbers not yet known here4).
Discussion shifted to items to be listed in list II of EDC treaty. Adenauer suggested list be discussed in Paris by mil experts, and [Page 76] kept returning to this theme. Other three mins however insisted every attempt be made there and then to agree list. Adenauer said many items were ill-defined. Wld “chemical weapons” and “propellant” prohibit production of explosives used in mines and ammunition for sporting weapons and police? How big are “small coastal vessels”? Shouldn’t guided missiles mean V-weapons? He said FedRep has no wish or ability to make civil aircraft but how cld he face Ger people and say he had obligated them for 50 years not to make them. Secy said list shld be discussed as decisions on categories were political. It was important to US to know whether propellants and gunbarrels were to be included. We might wish to ask FedRep to make these and such requests shld not be made more difficult by anything in EDC treaty. If list agreed, experts cld then refine it. Schuman felt best solution was to list all proposed items but allow EDC to make exceptions. Adenauer made point he wanted to be sure these prohibitions wld not interfere with peace economy or lead to arguments over meaning.
Eden suggested accepting list in principle, omitting civil aircraft and noting French reservation on propellants and gunbarrels. Schuman said however he cld not consider anything accepted unless agreed “in toto”. After further discussion, consensus was that everyone agreed list shld include atomic, biological and chemical weapons, long-range and guided missiles, mil aircraft, and naval vessels other than minor defensive craft. Eden indicated he wld drop civil aircraft. That left French position “in suspense” on civil aircraft, propellants and gunbarrels. It was agreed that the High Commissioners shld immed begin discussions with Adenauer in Bonn to define agreed items and mins wld seek agreement in further info discussions in Lisbon on disagreed items.
In reply to final inquiry from Eden, Adenauer said he was prepared to write letter to UK or any govt stating FedRep has no intention of producing aircraft but intends to purchase them.5 Eden accepted this. When Schuman stated such declaration cld be “repealed” at any time, Adenauer said: “Have confidence” ! He added production wld be so costly, especially if mil aircraft not produced, that his successor cld not build them “even if wholly mad”. Schuman took note and said he wld refer to his govt. Re police, he added he might propose to EDC conference to define police in terms used in document given to Chancellor day before. (“… numbers, cadres and equipment of all police forces in FedRep will be limited to scale required [Page 77] for function of maintaining internal law and order, on basis comparable with other EDC countries”).
3. FedRep NATO membership. Adenauer referred to French Assembly resolution mention of countries having territorial claims and stated he reiterated general convention statement that realization of such claims (by FedRep) cld take place only by peaceful means. Further, in agreeing to proposed NATO para re EDC–NATO relationship, FedRep does not relinquish desire to be NATO member. Furthermore, he interprets this provision (para 9b of Deps report6) to mean if NAC decision affects rights and duties of EDC members, Ger will be consulted. Schuman limited himself to observing that French Parliamentary discussions reflect a state of mind. French law must be passed in order to admit new member to NATO. In any event he felt everyone has same aim and cooperation will develop.
4. Statement by Schuman. Announcing vote of confidence in French Assembly.7 Schuman said it leaves much difficulty still ahead on EDC question. He appealed to colleagues to take into account difficulties which will face any French Govt. His govt firmly desires to achieve EDC, as only policy for France and peace. If socialists abstain or vote against, there will be no majority for EDC. French Govt not discouraged, however, though there is no guarantee its aim will be achieved. Eden and Secretary assured him they wld do all they cld to help him and each other.
5. Communiqué. Draft communiqué was presented by subcommittee, discussed, revised and agreed.8
- This telegram was repeated for information to London, Paris, and Bonn.↩
- The four Ministers presumably began their discussion at this point of the report of the tripartite working group on security controls referred to in Barnes minutes of the tripartite meeting of the morning of Feb. 19, p. 72.↩
- For the agreed text of the letter to be sent by Chancellor Adenauer to the governments of the European Defense Community, see p. 104.↩
- The texts were sent in telegram 1632, Feb. 20, from Bonn, not printed. (740.5/2–2052)↩
- In his telegram 8 from Bonn to Lisbon for Byroade, repeated to the Department of State as 1663, McCloy reported that Adenauer had been asked to furnish American authorities a written formula embodying the undertaking given orally here to Eden. Hallstein had offered the following text of such a formula: “The FedRep does not intend to manufacture civil aircraft but only to purchase them.” (740.5/2–2152)↩
- The reference here is to paragraph 9 (b) of document D–D (52) 35 Final, the Deputies Report on relationships between NATO and EDC, p. 249.↩
- The reference here is presumably to the adoption on Feb. 19 by the French National Assembly of a resolution on a European Defense Force and German participation in the European Defense Community. Regarding the resolution, see telegrams 5048 and 5049, both Feb. 17, from Paris, pp. 615 and 616.↩
- The reference here is presumably to the draft communiqué quoted in telegram Secto 17, Feb. 18, from London, p. 103. For the tripartite communiqué as agreed and issued on Feb. 19, see p. 105.↩