Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, The American Republics, Volume IV

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, The American Republics, Volume IV
- N. Stephen Kane
- William F. Sanford, Jr.
General Editor:
- William Z. Slany
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Introduction
- List of Abbreviations and Symbols
- List of Persons
- List of Sources
- Multilateral Relations (Documents 1–107)
- United States general policy with respect to Latin America (Documents 1–13)
- United States policy regarding hemisphere defense; provision of armaments
and military assistance to the other American Republics
(Documents 14–41)
- United States economic and technical assistance and related policy toward
the other American republics as a group
(Documents 42–64)
- The Tenth Inter-American Conference, held at Caracas, Venezuela, March
1–28, 1954
(Documents 65–79)
- Meeting of ministers of finance or economy of the American republics as
the fourth extraordinary Meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social
Council (Rio Economic Conference), held at Quitandinha, Brazil, November
22–December 2, 1954
(Documents 80–97)
- United States policy regarding political developments in the Central
American area
(Documents 98–107)
- United States general policy with respect to Latin America (Documents 1–13)
- Argentina (Documents 108–133)
- United States relations with Argentina
(Documents 108–133)
- United States relations with Argentina
(Documents 108–133)
- Bolivia (Documents 134–173)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Bolivia
(Documents 134–173)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Bolivia
(Documents 134–173)
- Brazil (Documents 174–219)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 174–219)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 174–219)
- Chile (Documents 220–261)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Chile
(Documents 220–261)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Chile
(Documents 220–261)
- Colombia (Documents 262–291)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 262–291)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 262–291)
- Costa Rica (Documents 292–323)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and Costa
(Documents 292–323)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and Costa
(Documents 292–323)
- Cuba (Documents 324–352)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 324–352)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 324–352)
- Dominican Republic (Documents 353–370)
- Ecuador (Documents 371–392)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 371–392)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 371–392)
- El Salvador (Documents 393–407)
- Political and military relations of the United States and El Salvador
(Documents 393–407)
- Political and military relations of the United States and El Salvador
(Documents 393–407)
- Guatemala (Documents 408–519)
- Haiti (Documents 520–544)
- Economic and military relations of the United States and Haiti
(Documents 520–544)
- Economic and military relations of the United States and Haiti
(Documents 520–544)
- Honduras (Documents 545–566)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Honduras
(Documents 545–566)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Honduras
(Documents 545–566)
- Mexico (Documents 567–596)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Mexico
(Documents 567–596)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Mexico
(Documents 567–596)
- Nicaragua (Documents 597–613)
- United States relations with Nicaragua
(Documents 597–613)
- United States relations with Nicaragua
(Documents 597–613)
- Panama (Documents 614–660)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Panama
(Documents 614–660)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Panama
(Documents 614–660)
- Paraguay (Documents 661–670)
- United States relations with Paraguay
(Documents 661–670)
- United States relations with Paraguay
(Documents 661–670)
- Peru (Documents 671–693)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Peru
(Documents 671–693)
- Political and economic relations of the United States and Peru
(Documents 671–693)
- Uruguay (Documents 694–719)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 694–719)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 694–719)
- Venezuela (Documents 720–755)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 720–755)
- Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and
(Documents 720–755)
- Index