511.00/8–1553: Circular telegram
The Director of the United States Information Agency (Streibert) to Certain Diplomatic Posts1
Usito 21. InfoGuide: Russians In Korea: Statements by returned POWs, when convincing first-hand accounts, should be used widely, to keep clearly before world public opinion the supportable facts of USSR involvement in Korean hostilities: (a) the Soviets instigated [Page 1736] North Korea’s aggression, (b) the USSR supplied and trained forces involved and supplied planning and direction for the invasion, (c) Soviet technical and advisory personnel were active in rear areas, including operation of anti-aircraft equipment. Statements purporting to show that Russians piloted enemy fighting planes or participated in ground combat other than rear-area anti-aircraft operation should not repeat not be used, since information through other channels so far provides insufficient substantiation.
- Drafted by George A. Mann of the Office of Policy and Programs, USIA; approved by Connors; and sent to 13 posts.↩