101.21 NIS/10–454
Memorandum by the Special Assistant for Regional Programs of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs (Parelman) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)
- Subject:
- NSC 5434, “Procedure for Periodic NSC Review of Military Assistance Program.”
Attached is a copy of NSC #54341 which recommends procedures for a periodic NSC review of the broad aspects of the military assistance programs. This review will include major policy considerations relating to force levels, priorities, and allocations of end-items and production capabilities included in all uncompleted military assistance programs. It will be conducted in the light of U.S. security objectives, strategic concepts and other relevant conditions for the express purpose of obtaining the best possible balance in terms of U.S. security.
The present semi-annual Mutual Security status report will be revised to show the status of military assistance and supporting [Page 779] programs by countries and areas in relation to existing governmental policies, commitments and program objectives.
Mr. Nolting was given the assignment of preparing a briefing memorandum for the Secretary on this matter.
In my opinion the procedure called for in the NSC paper is long overdue and will be most valuable to the State Department in keeping posted on developments in this facet of U.S. foreign relations. I recommend that FE enthusiastically support both the proposed procedure and the overall objectives of the NSC paper.
I have cleared the Nolting briefing paper2 on behalf of FE, subject to any modification which you may wish to make.