Foreign assistance policies under the Mutual Security Program1
1. For previous documentation on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. i, pp. 266 ff. For documentation on economic development policy and technical aid, see pp. 227 ff.
[174] Paper Prepared in the Office of the Director of Mutual Security
Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file
[175] The Director of Mutual Security (Stassen) to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Dodge)
MSA–FOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, box 1, “Bureau of the Budget, 1953”
[176] Memorandum for the President by the President’s Advisory Committee on Government Organization
PSB files, lot 62 D 333, “Psychological Strategy Board”
[178] The Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Dodge) to the Acting Director of Mutual Security (Rand)
MSA–FOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, box 1, “Bureau of the Budget 1953”
[180] Memorandum by the Counselor of the Foreign Operations Administration (Eichholz) to the Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen)
MSA–FOA Congressional files, FRC 57 A 709, box 170
[181] Memorandum by the Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen) to the Special Assistant to the President (Persons)
Eisenhower Library, White House Central files, 1953–61
[182] Current Economic Developments
Current Economic Developments, lot 70 D 467
[183] Memorandum by Thomas C. Schelling to the Deputy Director for Operations, Foreign Operations Administration (FitzGerald)
740.5 MSP/8–2053
[184] The Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen) to the Secretary of State
103 FOA/8–2553
[185] Memorandum by the Director of the Executive Secretariat (Scott) to the Acting Secretary of State
700.5 MSP/9–1853
[186] The Secretary of State to the Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen)
MSA–FOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, box 8, “State Department 1953”
[187] The Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen) to the Secretary of State
A/MS files, lot 54 D 291, “Relationship with FOA”
[188] The Secretary of State to the Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen)
103 FOA/11–1253
[189] Memorandum by the Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Secretary of State
700.5 MSP/11–2153
[190] The Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Dodge)
700.5 MSP/12–653
[191] Memorandum by the Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Secretary of State
700.5 MSP/12–1553
[192] Memorandum by the Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Secretary of State
700.5 MSP/12–2453
[193] Memorandum by the Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen) to the Secretary of State
MSA–FOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, box 8, “FY 1955 Program Estimates”
[194] The Acting Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Hughes) to the Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen)
MSA–FOA Congressional files, FRC 57 A 709, box 170, “Congressional Presentation”
[195] The Acting Secretary of State to the Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen)
MSA–FOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, box 8, “State Department 1954”
[196] Report Prepared by the Foreign Operations Administration
S/S–NSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 5407 Series
[197] Memorandum by the Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Acting Secretary of State
U/MSA files, lot 56 D 551, “1955 Congressional Presentation MS Bill”
[198] Memorandum by the Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Secretary of State
U/MSA files, lot 56 D 551, “1955 Congressional Presentation”
[199] Memorandum by the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State (O’Connor) to the Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting)
U/MSA files, lot 56 D 551, “Secty Memos of Conv”
[200] Memorandum by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Dodge) to the Acting Secretary of State
S/S–NSC (Miscellaneous) files, lot 66 D 95, “Misc. NSC memos”
[201] Minutes of the Meeting of the Special Committee on Foreign Operations Administration, April 6, 1954
MSA–FOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, Box 1, “Bureau of Budget, 1954”
[203] Memorandum by the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Secretary of State
700.5 MSP/7–1254