
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State


1981. For Excon.

FonOff has taken initiative information of interdepartmental working party, to include reps of Board of Trade, Treas, and other govt agencies, whose terms of ref involve consideration of what further measures might be taken in event Korean cease-fire negots break down.

Brit opinion remains firmly opposed to suggested ban on UN shipping calling at Chi ports, primarily as such a move wld be calamitous for Hong Kong. Present thinking is rather along lines of strengthening measures already in force. Specifically, consideration being given to fol:

Prohibition on chartering of Brit vessels to third parties for purpose of evading restrictions applicable to Brit shipping. (Brit wld be prepared take this step only if other maritime nations agreed to do likewise.)
Closer check on transshipment to China of prohibited items. Col Govts wld be given necessary powers prevent such transshipment, notwithstanding additional burden this wld place on already creaking admin machinery.
Categories of prohibited articles in UN list wld be enlarged to include certain items heretofore considered marginal.

Sent Dept 1981, Paris 805.
