493.009/5–1551: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1


706. Res calling for a strategic embargo against Chi Commies and North Koreans was adopted in UN AMC May 14 and is being referred to UNGA Pol Comite now scheduled meet May 17, Vote in Pol Comite may take place May 18. GA plenary action soonest thereafter. Text of res in Wireless Bulletin No. 117 May 14.2

Dept considers highly important obtain largest possible affirmative vote in Pol Comite and plenary GA. Unless you perceive important overriding objection, urgently approach FonOff expressing hope del will vote in favor of res. Fol points may be made together with such other points as you consider may be locally persuasive:

Res if approved with impressive show of unity will have important pol and moral effect in convincing aggressors of UN determination persevere in combatting aggression. Every UN Member has direct interest in development and strengthening of UN ability to repel aggression.
Res specifically directed at warmaking potential of aggressor armies, and designed to have minimum effect on civilian economy. Purpose is to ensure no UN soldier fighting in Korea is target of bullet manufactured in free world.
In effort avoid steps which might prevent peaceful settlement Korean problem or interfere with efforts UN GOC created by Feb 1 res of UNGA, UN has refrained for more than three months from applying additional measures to supplement mil effort in Korea. Events during interval since Feb 1 have indicated clearly Chi Commies not now ready agree peaceful settlement. In our view additional evidence of UN determination repel aggression is best means inducing Chi Commies seek end of fighting and solution Korean conflict on acceptable basis.
Considerable number UN Members have already applied strategic embargo unilaterally, as measure implicit in their obligation combat [Page 1988] aggression against UN. US has applied complete embargo. UN action now will help coordinate individual actions and help close loopholes in strategic embargo.

[Here follow specific points to be added for New Delhi, Karachi, Jidda, Stockholm, and Belgrade.]

  1. The file copy does not indicate to which posts this message was sent.
  2. The text of the resolution as adopted by the General Assembly on May 18 is printed infra.