Editorial Note

On May 7, the United States Representative introduced in the Additional Measures Committee a draft resolution which, on May 14, after certain emendations, was approved by the Committee for submission to the General Assembly. For documentation on the negotiations within and outside the Additional Measures Committee during the period May 7–14, see Department of State decimal files 320.2–AC, 493.009, and 493.119. For the text of the draft resolution, as approved, see the report of the Additional Measures Committee, U.N. document A/1799.

The First Committee of the General Assembly considered the draft resolution at its 443d and 444th meetings on May 17. An amendment (A/C.1/662/Rev. 1) to add “transportation materials of strategic value” to the proposed embargo list was submitted jointly by Australia, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Venezuela. This amendment was adopted by 45 votes to none, with nine abstentions. The draft resolution as a whole, as amended, was adopted by 45 votes to none, with nine abstentions.

The report of the First Committee (A/1802) was considered by the General Assembly at its 330th plenary meeting on May 18.