320.2–AC/4–2651: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

secret   priority

4913. UK and Fr Ambs were informed by Hickerson Apr 20 (memos pouched London and Paris) that US believes Additional Measures Ctee established by UNGA res of Feb 1 must promptly proceed to consider economic measures against Chi Commies, specifically US proposal for selective embargo on munitions and strategic materials.

Pls inform FonOff launching of Chi Commie offensive in our view ends all prospect of negotiations for peaceful settlement for present and makes it imperative that AMC meet early next week to move ahead on selective embargo proposal. Passage in AMC and GA wld signalize UN determination not to be intimidated by lawless use of force. It wld tend to increase effectiveness of existing controls by leading additional states apply them and eliminate loopholes.

Pls suggest desirability earliest despatch FonOff views to Embs Wash.

Sent to AmEmbassy Paris priority 5709, repeated for info USUN New York 880.
