293.1111/9–651: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union
410. Urtel 397 Sept 6; Deptel 227 Sept 28 and subsequent Emb approach this subj.1 Dept desires you see Gromyko, and leave with [Page 1872] him aide-mémoire, re treatment Amers by Chi Commie auths, stating no reply recd this Govt’s msg delivered Vishinsky by Kirk Sept 4, that one Amer died in prison, one ill in prison died shortly after release2 and this Govt feels deep anxiety re other Amers in view contd failure obtain satisfactory disposition these long-standing cases. If you perceive objection proposed action inform Dept soonest.
- For telegram 397, September 6, see p. 1798; telegram 227, September 28, not printed, instructed Ambassador Kirk that when he called On Vyshinsky prior to his return to the United States, he should again raise the subject of U.S. nationals in China (293.1111/9–651). Kirk reported his conversation with Vyshinsky in telegram 586, October 5, p. 1001.↩
- Philip Cline.↩