601.4193/9–2151: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State


1478. Following is résumé series of tels from Peiping to FonOff on subject representations on behalf Americans in China:

Sept 18: Foreign diplomatic representatives not happy about representations re US nationals, regarding which they seem to have received divergent instructions from their govts. Panikkar, who genuinely anxious to help, considers joint or concerted démarche, particularly if directed solely on behalf US nationals, would defeat its own object and might prejudice representations which Swiss, Indian and Brit representatives have already made on a broader basis. Moreover such a démarche wld only embarrass representatives of Indonesia, Burma and smaller European nations. Present moment most inopportune for such a gesture, in view unfavorable reaction in Peiping to San Francisco conference and Kaesong talks.

Sept 18: Lamb believes above described reactions not unreasonable, but Indian, Swiss and Brit representatives all agreed some action should be taken. Indian and Swiss representatives consulting their govts. Swedish Amb has already discussed question informally with vice FonMin at a recent dinner party. Panikkar fearful lest ultimate US objective is use any joint representations as subject for political propaganda. He convinced injudicious publicity wld undermine value of representations already made and wld prejudice his own position. Swiss representative shares this view. Nevertheless they anxious to help and are considering joint approach to Raschin (who has just returned from Moscow) and say various members of diplomatic body instructed make representations on behalf US nationals. Easchin wld be urged act in a collective representative capacity as doyen of diplomatic body.

Sept 19: Indian and Swiss representatives approached Raschin [Page 1809] on afternoon 18th stating they “felt it their duty bring facts to notice of CPG, not only in interests of foreign communities but of CPG reputation abroad, by explaining actions and conditions capable of creating misunderstandings”. If several representatives individually made representations on same subject CPG might become resentful and it seemed infinitely better for one or two speak on behalf of majority, for which purpose Raschin as doyen was most logical person. Raschin expressed sympathy with above views and volunteered statement he faced similar difficulties in arrests Soviet nationals about whom his representations often remained unanswered for as long as three months. He deprecated delay re travel permits. Re practice holding individuals responsible for liabilities their employers, this unfortunately is in consonance with Chinese legal concepts. Raschin readily agreed speak to PriMin along suggested terms, adding he cld make approach within next day or so. Raschin seemed to have taken decision entirely on own initiative. No indication he was acting on instructions from Moscow as he did not react when Indian and Swiss representatives mentioned their understanding Soviet Govt had been approached by US. Raschin in complete accord with necessity avoid publicity. Lamb fears this view may be unwelcome to Dept but believes nothing shld be done to prejudice positions “these invaluable representatives” (i.e. Swiss, Indian and Soviet) or hazard effectiveness past or future intervention by them. He warns that even if representations are effective results will not begin to be visible for some time afterward. Dept, he feels, must not be impatient.

After careful scrutiny above tels, EmbOff discussed content at some length with Shattock, head China-Korea Dept. EmbOff expressed personal satisfaction protection US interests China in hands of such a capable and sympathetic official as Lamb. EmbOff added, however, Panikkar entirely wrong in believing Dept motivated by political considerations; on contrary, Dept solely concerned with welfare US nationals in China and desire convince friends and relatives in US everything that cld be done for them was in fact being done. EmbOff said he wld recommend that no publicity be given to representations on behalf US natls by members of diplomatic body in Peiping, or if this proved impracticable that names of members involved not be revealed. He said he wld also recommend that any publicity given be cleared in advance with London and Delhi or, better, that Lamb himself be given opportunity to comment. Shattock replied he appreciated and agreed with EmbOff’s remarks and wld communicate them to Lamb.
