793B.00/6–2951: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State

top secret

6911. New Delhi’s 3785, June 27 to Dept, repeated London 139.

Foreign Office has received closely similar report from New Delhi re Steere-Nye conversations on Tibet. In addition Nye reports his understanding Dalai Lama will seek refuge in India in any case and has only been awaiting assurances Tibetan delegation removed from area under Chinese jurisdiction. Nye reiterates his belief GOI would oppose shipment military equipment across India to Tibet.
Present Foreign Office thinking is it might be possible have GOI agree encourage Dalai Lama, if he does seek refuge in India, make public statement repudiating Sino-Tibetan agreement, but indicating his countrymen too weak resist Chinese aggression and he wld not be justified in asking them to do so; nevertheless he demonstrating his displeasure by refusing remain in his country. Foreign Office Legal Adviser has been consulted in this connection; he suggests several grounds for repudiation of agreement, preferably (a) it was result of duress, and (b) delegates exceeded their powers. There is some concern that Dalai Lama, unless he seeks competent advice, may issue ineffective statement.
Foreign Office would still prefer avoid introduction of Tibetan issue in UN especially now when delicate negotiations resulting from Malik broadcast1 are in progress.

Sent Dept 6911, rptd info New Delhi 172.

  1. For information concerning the radio broadcast on June 23 by Yakov Malik, Soviet Representative at the United Nations, and subsequent developments, see pp. 546 ff.