Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 25: Telegram
The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
C–55463. CINCUNC Adv HNC 373.
“Summary of Liaison meeting which began 1000 today discussion continued on width of area along roads. Communists without any very clear basis continued to insist on 1 mile each side. UNC advanced principle that distance should be such as to prevent accidental injury to delegations on road as result of actions outside the restricted zone. In view of agreement of both sides not to atk delegations, distance greater than this would not increase safety of delegations but would only increase the possibility of incidents which might embarrass the conference. On basis of its principle, UNC formally proposed a zone [Page 1058] extending 200 meters to each side of road. It is believed the Communists will offer compromise this afternoon which can be accepted.
“On question of overflight, UNC proposed fol statement as one of the understandings: ‘In agreeing to refrain from hostile acts the UNC does not agree that the overflight of acft is a hostile act. The UNC agrees not to overfly the Pan Mun Jom conference site area, except under conditions beyond its control. The UNC gives a unilateral undertaking to limit, insofar as is practicable, the overflight of acft over the Kaesong area and the road therefrom to Pan Mun Jom.’
“Chang replied that overflight was a hostile act. With a remark that resolution of this difference might take a long time, he proposed a recess until 1500. Session closed 1145 to resume at 1500.
“Estimate afternoon session may bring agreement on area adjacent to roads, but there is possibility that more time may be needed to break down Communist stand on overflight.”1
Telegram C–55464, October 20, from Tokyo gave the following brief report on the afternoon meeting of the liaison officers:
“CINCUNC Advance HNC 374.
“‘Further to HNC 373. At 1630 Chang accepted UNC proposal of exempting area 200 meters on each side of roads Kaesong-Pan Mun Jom and Munsan-Pan Mun Jom from hostile acts. One major difference remains, the question of overflight of Kaesong restricted area. Communists did not accept UNC proposal outlined in HNC 373. Afternoon session adjourned 1700 to resume 1000 Oct 21. Estimate 1 or 2 days will be required to resolve this difference to our satisfaction’.” (Black Book, Tab 26)