Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 43: Telegram
The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CX–50292. Fol will be released to press simultaneously Tokyo and CINCUNC Adv at 1230 hours Tokyo time this date:
“General Kim Il Sung, Peng Teh-Huai:
“Your message to me, dated 1 Sept 51 and received 2 Sept,1 is yet another of your false charges in which, without the slightest basis in fact, you have again impugned the good faith of the United Nations [Page 885] Forces. The charges you have levied in these alleged incidents are baseless and intentionally false, I have stated, and will again positively state, that our thorough investigations have indicated no instances where forces under my command have violated any of the agreements made by me or my representatives. Therefore, if the incidents did, in fact, occur, they were presumably initiated and perpetrated by your forces in order to provide spurious evidence for false and malevolent accusations against the United Nations Command.
“I cannot provide you with guarantees against your own failure to exercise control in an area from which you are responsible. I cannot prevent the occurrence of incidents deliberately and maliciously manufactured by your forces in an area under your control. I previously guaranteed that our forces would not violate the terms of the agreement concerning the Kaesong neutral zone. My forces have scrupulously observed the terms of that agreement. My guarantee remains effective.
“That you should permit the forces of your side to indulge in their constant deceit and invective is incomprehensible, unless you have the ulterior motive of completely breaking off negotiations with the further scurrilous accusation that the blame therefore rests upon the United Nations Command rather than upon you.
“In the interest of the millions of people in the United Nations whom I represent as the Commander of their forces in the field, I call upon you to cease these despicable practices which have received worldwide condemnation.
“These military armistice discussions at Kaesong have been in progress 7 weeks. You must share my concern over the lack of progress achieved.
“I have repeatedly emphasized that my principal concern is to achieve a just and honorable military armistice. Events of the past weeks have made it plainly evident to me and to the world at large that further use of the present conference site at Kaesong will inevitably result in additional interruptions of our armistice talks and further delays in reaching agreement. When you decide to terminate the suspension of armistice negotiations which you declared on 23 August, I propose that our liaison officers meet immediately at the bridge at Pan Mun Jom to discuss the selection of a new site where negotiations can be continued without interruptions.
“Signed MB Ridgway, General United States Army, Commander in Chief United Nations Command.”