795.00/6–951: Telegram

The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State


3567. 1. Bajpai asked see me today. Showed me tel from Panikkar substance of which fols:

Radio reports Acheson informed Senate comite US prepared accept cease-fire at 38th parallel and neither US nor UN contemplates attempt unify Korea by milit means. Furthermore, no reason why admission Commie Chi to UN shld not be discussed in that body.

Panikkar wld appreciate being informed whether this statement attributed Acheson correctly represents views US Govt. If he had formal assurance it does he might find opening take up matter with Chi Govt which thus far has taken position useless engage in discussions since US wld be sure make demands which wld be unacceptable.

2. Bajpai asked if I wld endeavor obtain appropriate statement from US Govt. I said I wld be glad endeavor do so but I had impression Panikkar might have mistaken idea re US attitude towards admission Peking in UN. I doubted US wld be willing make any statement which even indirectly might indicate it wld be willing drop position admission Commie Chi into UN in return for cease-fire and peace in Korea.

Bajpai said in any event it might be helpful if US Govt could state its present position. He thought perhaps at this point clear-cut statement by US in possession Panikkar might be more valuable than any 14-power declaration.
