795B.5/3–2051: Telegram
The United States Deputy Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State
1305. Re Korea. Col. Limb1 today showed USUN copy of tel he has just recd from Pres Rhee instructing him to make formal request to [Page 252] UN that Unified Command be authorized to bomb strategic targets and troop centers in Manchuria for purpose of eventually bringing war in Korea to conclusion. Tel continued to instruct Col. Limb to address notes along this line to SecState as well as to appropriate UN official, who Col. Limb assumes to be UN SYG.
USUN suggested that this is very important step, that Korean policy shld dovetail with US policy on this matter, and recommended that before sending these notes Col. Limb discuss their substance with Asst SecState Dean Rusk. Col. Limb recognized validity these points and promised to consult Rusk, probably Mar 22, before sending notes. In meanwhile Col. Limb intends to reply to Pres Rhee’s instruction by cabling him tomorrow that Unified Command may already have some authority for bombing Manchuria under existing SC and GA resolutions and that under circumstances it wld seem more appropriate for Pres Rhee to discuss question of bombing Manchuria directly with SCAP.
A second instruction which Col Limb has just recd from Pres Rhee instructs him to “press for time limit on Good Offices Comite” so that Additional Measures Comite can proceed with its work. Col Limb proposes tomorrow to address ltr to Entezam in his capacity as Pres of both GA and Good Offices Comite urging that time limit be placed on Good Offices Comite and to send copies of ltr to other dels as well as releases to newspapers. USUN wondered whether this communication wld have much value other than as propaganda and whether it might not have some kickback as respects world public opinion but did not see fit to urge him not to submit ltr. Col. Limb intends, however, to send ltr to Entezam tomorrow afternoon, thus still allowing time for USUN to discuss matter further with him if Dept wishes to send USUN instructions in time tomorrow morning.
Suggest Dept repeat this tel urgently to Pusan for Amb Muccio’s info.2