396.1–PA/3–1951: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State
5517. From Jessup. Re Embtel 53831 and Deptel [4831] Mar. 16.2 Davies told Parodi and me Jebb had again raised possibility our approaching Gromyko here concerning possible Korean settlement. We three agreed saw no advantage acting on this suggestion. [Jessup.]
The text of this message, dated March 14, read as follows:
“From Jessup. Parodi told Davies and me yesterday Trygve Lie had approached Lacoste at Lake Success urging we three discuss with Gromyko possible settlement Korea. Davies indicated same approach their UN representative. Both Parodi and Davies disapproved idea. I said had no official information but personally shared their view.” (396.1–PA/3–1451)
Alexander Parodi, Secretary General of the French Foreign Ministry, and Ernest Davies, British Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, headed their countries’ delegations at the Deputies meetings in Paris (see vol. iii, Part 1, pp. 1086 ff.). Francis Lacoste was French Deputy Representative on the U.N. Security Council.
↩ - Not printed; it informed the Embassy of the impending transmission of the Gross–Hickerson exchange of letters, March 10 and 13, pp. 223 and 227. (396.1–PA/3–1451)↩