891.03/5–151: Telegram
The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State
3047. According Ind press May 1, “informed sources Delhi speculating GOI decided not rely on two million tons food aid from US and that considerable stiffening in attitude govt has occurred as result latest US Cong conditions sought to be attached food bill after what they describe as ‘extraordinarily tardy and circuitous progress’ of measure.” Ind press also notes, however, that “while there is section in Pari which thinks India shld not accept Amer offer, even if it materializes ultimately, with so many strings attached, there is no disposition in informed circles to commit govt to any policy of outright rejection at present.” (For further summary Embtel 3035 May 1 and full text Hindustan Times edit Embtel 3034 May 1.)1
Nehru scheduled make natl broadcast 8:30 p. m., this evening on Ind food problems. Rumored that he will indicate concern over recent developments food grain legis before Cong.
Last evening at dinner, I asked Bajpai whether Nehru’s statement at Bulandshahr (Embtel 3031 April 30)2 shld be interpreted as indicating GOI wld not be willing accept US food grain and under term Senate bill. Bajpai somewhat evasive. Said he had not seen Nehru for three days and had not read text Nehru’s statements. I discussed matter again with Bajpai this morning. He maintained not yet had chance talk with Nehru and therefore unable make interpretation. I said I sincerely hoped Nehru wld not make additional statement over radio which wld definitely close door to Amer food grain aid, because I was convinced India wld encounter grave difficulties if such aid not forthcoming. Furthermore Nehru wld be doing disservice Amer friends of India if he shld make move which wld result in nullification all their efforts on India’s behalf, particularly without letting them know in advance his intentions. Bajpai stated his personal opinion Nehru might touch on Amer food grain aid but wld not take definite position. He thought broadcast wld probably be “pep talk” calling people India not expect so much of outside aid, but depend more upon their own efforts to meet crisis.
Difficult for us to believe Nehru wld go so far just now as to state unwillingness accept Amer aid under conditions such as those set forth Senate bill. Likely, however, he will make some remarks indirectly indicating distaste for some provisions of legis before Congress [Page 2153] and possibility failure India receive US aid. Nehru from beginning has clearly not been happy about accepting favors from US. He agreed to request aid only because he cld see no other way for India to surmount crisis. He may now be hoping India might be able survive without US aid if procurement campaign stepped up, low rations maintained and controls strengthened and if additional grain can be purchased for cash or barter basis in US, China, Russia and elsewhere. If he has such hopes we convinced they are misplaced.
- Neither printed.↩
- Telegram 3031 from the Embassy at New Delhi, April 30, reported the Indian Prime Minister as saying in an address at Bulandshahr on April 29 that “India was not so down and out as to accept any conditions dictated by any foreign country in matter of importing food that sallies our honor.” (891.03/4–3051)↩