320/12–2451: Telegram
The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Jessup) to the Secretary of State
Delga 802. Re Kashmir
1. Graham had decided not to annex Devers plan when approached in light of Gadel 502. He did not see his way to indicating his report as an interim one. However, he will be available for SC mtgs in Paris.
2. Issue has been raised by Ayub that ref in Indian reply to Devers plan which Indians claim to have accepted in large part renders it necessary that Devers plan itself be on the record and not a classified document. Fowler (UK) feels that Paks are entitled to have this and that they need UK–US assistance on point. He suggests Graham might be asked to reconsider his reported decision not to make statement in SC and in connection with statement or questions make public Devers report. Hyde expressed personal view to Fowler that Devers report shld be public because of Indian references to it.
3. Ayub urges early SC consideration of case in Jan even before Zafrullalr’s expected return sixth or seventh. In addition to stressing need for publication Devers report, he urged: (a) Graham shld be urged to make statement Jan 4. Comment: It wld be difficult to have SC dels consider merits so early after adjournment; (b) Paks wld like substantive res tabled about 15 Jan which wld call on parties to accept Graham plan; (c) Before Zafrullah speaks Paks want firm assurance re US–UK line so that they take position consistent with it: (d) They expect US and UK diplomatic pressure on Delhi; (e) They stress desirability of whole operation complete two weeks before SC [Page 1924] ends Paris sessions so that parties consent obtained and no action needed in New York.
4. Fowler reports UK position now firming up much along lines para three and he feels action cannot be delayed until Indian elections now not to be completed until 5 February. In gen UK feels Graham report contains principles which SC shld call on parties to accept, and then give two govts three months to work out details in bilateral talks (see London 2730 of Dec 13 to Dept). Fowler feels SC prestige and UK–US diplomatic reps shld be staked on this plan. Fowler is pressing for early SC mtg at least to hear Graham on Jan 3. We did not comment on substantive position but felt decision by Dept on it must be basis for decisions on all tactical and timetable questions.
5. Views of Dept requested on what position shld now be re release of Devers report and timetable for January.