690D.91/11–2951: Telegram
The Ambassador in India (Bowles) to the Secretary of State
1911. Although Emb realizes Graham demil talks with Ind and Pak in Paris will not terminate for another 3 weeks, Emb wld appreciate indication how Dept anticipates Kashmir question will be handled thereafter.
[Page 1909]As Emb now sees it, Ind will probably be unable make final commitment re Kashmir until conclusions Ind’s gen elections in Jan because of effect decision may have on vote. Meanwhile however, Emb believes Ind will continue fol more conciliatory line re Indo-Pak relations which developed fol Liaquat’s death. Even in Kashmir there has been little provocative action by Consembly. Latter recently adjourned, possibly until next spring. Foregoing seems add up to more amenable Ind attitude re Kashmir.
If foregoing sit continues prevail and providing Graham talks have favorable result Emb hopes way will be found continue present method negot, at least until after Ind elections.
Informal discussion with UKHC officials indicate they have similar views.
Sent Dept 1911, rptd Paris Gadel 37, London 62, Karachi 95.