357.AB/11–651: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delga 78. Subject Kashmir. Further Delga 63,1 Gross showed draft res to Graham who expressed unqualified approval of it. He felt draft had been worked out on the basis of the views of the parties with particular care for Pakistani sensibilities and this he felt was the proper approach. He stressed that view of two govts should be embodied into draft and also suggested that parties shld have 48 hours notice of its contents before SC mtg. He agreed with Gross that this shld be more a matter of courtesy than to open the door to drafting changes.
Graham had seen Nehru’s statement referred to in Gadel 692 and agrees with Dept’s view that last clause in para 33 of draft res is sufficient re Constituent Assembly in light of that statement. He was reserved on what its true significance may be.
In Graham’s opinion under para 6 he can express his views fully and wld do so at once if he saw breakdown of negots and issue of war. He understands that the report referred to in para 6 might or might not be a financial one.
On basis of Graham’s views and restiveness of parties for early SC mtg, Gross recommends Dept clearance so draft can be given parties during course of Wed 7 Nov with SC mtg not later than Sat 10 Nov.
- Delga 63, from Paris, November 6, not printed, transmitted a draft resolution virtually identical to that approved on November 10, with the exception of the last paragraph (numbered paragraph 6), which in Delga 63 read “The SC … instructs the UNRep to make a report to the SO not later than six weeks after this res comes into effect.” (357.AB/11–651) This paragraph was replaced by numbered paragraph 4 in the final resolution, which added a clause allowing Graham to include in his report “his views concerning the problems confided to him.” Details concerning this change, which the Department saw as a means of giving Graham authority to recommend a future course of action, which in turn would give him bargaining power during continued mediation, are in telegram Gadel 89, to Paris, November 7, not printed.↩
- Gadel 69, to Paris, November 5, referred to the reported statement on the subject of Kashmir by Prime Minister Nehru at a press conference of November 3, in which he welcomed Graham’s continuing mediation efforts. The telegram stated that the Department was therefore prepared to omit mention of the Kashmir Constituent Assembly in the Security Council resolution, provided the United Kingdom and the United States made brief references in their speeches reiterating the earlier Security Council position. (357.AB/11–551) A transcript of Nehru’s remarks of November 3 is contained in Despatch 981 from New Delhi, November 5 (690D.91/11–551). In telegram 1641, from New Delhi, November 6, Ambasador Bowles viewed Nehru’s remarks as conciliatory and helpful and as affording a definite basis for a further attempt by Dr. Graham to achieve demilitarization and ultimate settlement of the Kashmir issue (791.13/11–651).↩
- Same as numbered paragraph 1 of the Security Council resolution approved November 10, p. 1904.↩