330/3–251: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in India 1
1395. In event GOI officials approach Emb re SC Kashmir res, fol Dept views may be of use.
US deeply disappointed GOI reaction present SC efforts further solution Kashmir issue.2 Res tabled Feb 21 represents what we believe to be best method by which SC can assist parties reach fair agreement. Although we understand GOI concern at not being consulted before hand with respect res, we were dissuaded from discussing res before tabling with either India or Pakistan because of previous difficulties encountered when efforts were made along these lines.
US notes Rau statement in SC to effect Constituent Assembly under Kashmir national conference res is not intended prejudice issues before SC, or come in way of SC. We assume Rau spoke for Sheikh Abdullah [Page 1741] Govt and that in this connection GOI authority re Kashmir is not limited to advisory role mentioned later in Rau speech.
In absence concrete GOI suggestions re future course US unimpressed by Rau intimation SC could do worse than follow Dixon advice to return initiative to parties in dispute. History Kashmir dispute since ceasefire has revealed apparent inability parties make any constructive proposal.
We believe GOI shld offer SC specific detailed suggestions for demilitarization and conduct plebiscite with specific dates for completion both. It is not in our opinion enough for GOI state it willing rest on its commitments contained Aug 48 and Jan 49 res. Such attitude overlooks unsuccessful efforts implement broad principles set forth these two UNCIP res. These efforts since Jan 49 have been made by UNCIP, McNaughton, Dixon, and Commonwealth PriMins. GOI position appears dispose of two years experience attempting; resolve issues posed by implementation UNCIP resolutions. At minimum, SC shld know what GOI considers details necessary implement these res.
US hopes GOI will give every consideration to SO efforts bring about settlement this issue. We emphasize our suggestions motivated by sincere desire help both parties reach mutually acceptable settlement dispute.