611.94/12–1351: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald) to the Secretary of State
Topad 1273. For Allison from Dulles. Fol is text of memo which I read to Yoshida and Iguchi at conf today and also read to Dening subsequently:
Begin verbatim text. In connection with prospective treaty ratification proceedings in United States, and prospective implementation of treaties in relation to such matters as admin agreement, costs of security forces, settlement of post-war indebtedness, admin of Ryukyus, Bonins, etc., the United States Senate, Congress and Amer people generally, will insistently want to know whether Jap Govt intends pursue foreign policies in Asia which are generally compatible with those of United States, or whether it must be assumed that Jap may pursue foreign policies incompatible with those of United States. This poses particularly difficult problem in relation Chi where San Fran peace treaty left it to Japan to work out peace relations with Chi.
Essential facts are that Natl Govt of Chi is recognized as lawful govt of Chi by United States and by large majority of members of United Nations; it has seat, voice and vote of Chi in United Nations, which includes in Security Council veto power over Jap prospective membership; it has jurisdiction over Formosa and large Chi Army there; and controls trade between Formosa and Japan, which is very important to Japan. The Natl Govt of Chi controls important link in so-called “off-shore island chain” of which Japan, Ryukyus and Philippines, for other links, all of which, from strategic and security standpoint are interdependent and need to be cooperative.
On other hand, Natl Govt has lost de facto control over Chi mainland and Commie regime on mainland has been recognized by number of countries, including United Kingdom. Commie regime, however, stands condemned as aggressor by United Nations, it is mounting in North Korea a major mil threat to South Korea and Japan, and is backing Jap Commie Party in seeking violent overthrow of present constitutional system and govt in Japan.
[Page 1438]Under these circumstances it is suggested that Jap interest might best be served if Jap Govt were to negotiate with Natl Govt of Chi with view arranging that fol coming into force of multilateral treaty of peace there shld also be brought into force bilateral treaty with Natl Govt of Chi which wld restore peace and reestablish relations along lines of multilateral treaty, but with understanding, to be officially recorded, that applicability of bilateral treaty is to territories under actual control of contracting parties. In other words, Natl Govt wld be dealt with on basis of its de facto actual control, avoiding assumption that it is now in position to speak for and bind all Chi.
This wld leave for future development the relations between Japan and any area Chi not under actual control of Natl Govt.
It not known whether Natl Govt of Chi wld find above formula acceptable, but Govt of United States wld consider exploring this, if by so doing it might contribute to result which wld enable United States cooperate without reserve to assist Japan in many vital areas where this cooperation desirable in post-treaty era, and if as hoped, this wld be formula which cld be reconciled with present divergence policy between United Kingdom and United States. End verbatim text.