694.001/7–1851: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1
57. Fol changes shld be made immed in July 3 Jap treaty draft. Instrs further steps fol by separate cable.2
Date: Change to “July 20, 1951”
[Page 1200]Title: Change to “Draft Treaty of Peace with Japan”
Preamble: Place semicolon after “between them” and, beginning new para, substitute “Whereas Japan for its part declares its intention” for “and will enable Jap to carry out.” Delete “org” in “UN Org”. Change “agreed” to “determined” in last para of Preamble.
Art 3: Delete “the Ryukyu Islands south of 29° north latitude” and substitute “Nansei Shoto south of 29° north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands)”.3
Art 4 (a): Substitute for first sentence the fol:
“The disposition of property of Jap and of its natls in the areas referred to in Arts 2 and 3, and their claims, including debts, against the auths presently administering the areas referred to above and the residents (including juridical persons) thereof, and the disposition in Jap of property of such auths and residents, and of claims, including debts, of such auths and residents against Jap and its natls, shall be the subj of special arrangements between Japs and such auths.
Insert in second sentence after “returned” the phrase “by the administering auth.”
Art 5: Place comma after “state”.
Art 7(a): Substitute “continue” for “keep” in first sentence. In second sentence substitute “be considered as having been contd in force or revived” for “resume their force”.
Art 8(b): Substitute “Treaty of Peace with Turkey signed at Lausanne on July 24, 1923” for “Treaty of Lausanne of July 24th, 1923”.
Art 12(b) (ii): Substitute “imported goods” for “imports” at begining of para.
Art 13(b): Delete “with an Allied Power”.
Art 15: Delete second sentence of note.
Art 16: Revise clause first sentence to read “or, at its option, the equivalent of such assets”.
Art 18(b): Substitute “into negots” for “on negots” and “to facilitate” for “will facilitate” in both concluding clauses.
Art 23(a): Substitute “The present Treaty” for first “it” in last sentence.
Art 24: Insert “each” before “such deposit”.
Second Declaration: Delete words “and Associated” and words “or Associated” where they appear.
[Page 1201]Alter dates throughout draft to employ Amer form exclusively, for example, Dec 7, 1941.
- Telegram sent to the Embassies in Australia, Burma, Canada, the Republic of China, France, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, the U.S.S.R., Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Ceylon, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Union of South Africa, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and to the Legations in Syria, Luxembourg, and Lebanon, USPolAd and Tokyo.↩
Invitations to the San Francisco Conference, together with two copies of a treaty draft dated July 20, were presented to the Washington Embassies of all the powers listed in footnote 1 on that day. For text of the invitation, which in part solicited comments and announced the intention of the Sponsoring Powers to issue a final treaty text on August 13, see Department of State Press Releases, 1951, No. 649, July 20.
The texts of the treaty itself and of two declarations to be signed by Japan were sponsored by both the United Kingdom and the United States. An accompanying protocol was a proposal of the United Kingdom only, and the invitation to the San Francisco Conference was issued by the United States only. Mr. Allison, in a memorandum of his conversation held with Sir Esler Dening upon the latter’s arrival in Washington, July 16, stated in part that Sir Esler had requested that reference to the United Kingdom as a co-extender of the invitation be deleted from a draft invitation on the ground that it was more appropriate for the United States alone to invite other countries to meet at San Francisco. (694.001/7–1651)
↩ - In a memorandum of July 13 to Mr. Fearey, Mr. Samuel W. Boggs, Special Adviser for Geography in the Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence and Research, had suggested this language in deference to Japanese wishes. He had concluded: “This would introduce the term ‘Nansei Shoto’, which is analogous to the ‘Nanpo Shoto’ in the succeeding clause, and it is consistent with present Japanese usage. I understand that in Japanese usage ‘Nansei Shoto’ would include the Daito Islands, but that ‘Ryukyu Islands’ would not. I would suppose that if the above proposed change were suggested to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they would readily agree when we explain that it means in our minds exactly the same as the present wording, and is certainly clearer to the Japanese and to many people of the general public.” (694.001/7–1351)↩