The Secretary of Defense (Marshall) to the Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Secretary: I am forwarding herewith for your information and consideration a memorandum of 9 February 1951 in which the Joint Chiefs of Staff present certain recommendations regarding the National Police Reserve in Japan. I concur in these recommendations and believe that, from the military point of view, they should be put into effect as soon as possible.
In the light of their international political implications, I would appreciate your views as soon as possible before presenting these recommendations to the President for his approval. In order to hasten consideration of this matter I am attaching for your comment, a draft letter to the President recommending his approval.1
Faithfully yours,
- Not printed.↩
- Brackets in the source text.↩
- Quotation is from telegram C–52610, from Tokyo, January 3, 1951, not printed. (Department of Defense Files)↩
In the telegram cited in footnote 3 above, General MacArthur had requested a detailed list of equipment for the NPRJ, including medium tanks and 155 mm. howitzers. In telegram DA–80467 to Tokyo, January 7, the Department of the Army had replied in part that its own analysis had indicated that “possibly a light div … would be preferable to divisional organization you are considering for NPRJ. In particular there has been doubt regarding inclusion of medium tanks, 155 mm. Hows, and other heavy loads in NPRJ Divs.” (Department of Defense Files)
In C–52979 from Tokyo, January 8, the Far Eastern Command had replied as follows: “Planned NPRJ divisional structure considered sound and entirely suitable for any eventuality including even the all-out aggression against Japan proper by foreign forces equipped and trained in accordance with Communist tactical doctrine which experience has demonstrated invariably includes the extensive employment of tanks and artillery. Against such a force, an NPRJ lacking medium tanks and at least medium artillery would be utterly inadequate. A most recent and striking case in point was the complete inability of the light South Korean divisions to cope with the tank supported North Korean forces.” (Department of Defense Files)
↩ - Not printed.↩