Lot 54D423

Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs


Minutes—Dulles Mission Staff Meeting February 8, 9:30 AM

Progress of Discussions

Ambassador Dulles said that everything seemed to be going quite well. The discussions were substantially completed except for developing the administrative agreement to include something more as to the types of things Japan would pay for. General Magruder said that the Japanese representatives had agreed that Japan would pay for the same things Britain does in connection with the United States forces stationed in that country. These were, briefly, real estate rentals, free use of facilities jointly used, and free ground transportation for freight and personnel moving on official business. He had embodied this understanding in a memorandum which might be included with the three main agreements.

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Ambassador Dulles asked whether General Magruder could say what the Japanese contribution would amount to. He replied that it would come to 20–30% of total local costs. Another type of contribution which had been considered was labor services but General Magruder felt that this would be inappropriate, pointing out that we paid for labor services provided in other countries where our forces are stationed. Ambassador Sebald asked who would pay if the garrison forces laid down a new airplane runway and General Magruder replied that the United States would. General Magruder thought that the arrangement would be satisfactory to the Department of Defense, though there might be some question about the Treasury.

Ambassador Dulles inquired whether the understanding could not be phrased on a sort of most-favored-nation basis in the sense that Japan would assume expenses on a definite basis but if the United States concluded a standard arrangement with other countries more favorable to the United States, Japan would accept modifications to bring the understanding with it into line with the arrangement for other areas. We would say that the understanding was tentative and subject to amendment in the light of current negotiations with other countries.

Ambassador Dulles said that there had been at least one United Nations resolution which called upon all nations to assist the United Nations effort in Korea, whether or not they were members of the United Nations. This resolution (dated January 30, 1951)1 would be a mandate to Japan to continue its assistance to the United Nations operations in Korea, and would be a basis on which a commitment to this effect by Japan could be sought. Because of this resolution, which “calls upon all states and authorities to continue to lend every assistance to the United Nations action in Korea”, Japan could not be accused by the Soviets of a partial, wrongful attitude.

Colonel Babcock pointed out that it was to Japan’s material advantage to continue to support the operation in Korea, and Ambassador Dulles expressed confidence that it would do so. General Magruder asked whether it would not be wise to seek an understanding from the Japanese that they would continue their support and Ambassador Dulles agreed that it would.

National Police Reserve

Mr. Johnson said that he and other Defense members of the Mission had talked to General Shepard regarding the National Police Reserve. Mr. Johnson summarized what General Shepard2 had had to say, and [Page 871] said that he had prepared a memorandum of the conversation3 which he would give to Ambassador Dulles. Ambassador Dulles said that the picture painted by General Shepard was a rather gloomy one.


It was agreed that copies of the three main statements of understanding with the Japanese Government, the two addenda and the exchange of letters between Ambassador Dulles and Prime Minister Yoshida on the fishing question should be provided General MacArthur and Ambassador Sebald. Ambassador Sebald suggested that the papers to be initialed and exchanged the following day with the Japanese be covered by a brief memorandum explaining their origin and status. Ambassador Dulles agreed, saying that his initialing would simply identify the papers as being those referred to in the memorandum.

  1. The Resolution adopted January 30 by the First Committee, subsequently passed as Resolution 498 (V) of the United Nations General Assembly, February 1, is scheduled for publication in volume vii.
  2. Maj. Gen. Whitfield P. Shepard, Chief, Civil Affairs Section, GHQ, SCAP.
  3. Dated February 7, not printed (Lot 55D598: Files of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs.)