856D.2553/12–2151: Telegram
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State
900. Prioleau, Leibacher and Gibbon called on me eve 20 to discuss preparation memo which they are to present to Roem’s committee Sat morning1 and to consider what further steps might be taken to prevent committee from going ahead after Sat’s mtg with submission of recommendation to govt’s fin and econ comite which might contain ref to 65–35 ratio, or otherwise present a plan which Stanvac cld never accept.
I recommended Stanvac spare no effort in including in their proposal detailed arguments which cld help Roem sell their plan to his colleagues but which at time wld unmistakably spell out significance of such move as Roem had originally comtemplated and make clear unacceptability thereof. I promised see FonMin Subardjo on Fri to impress upon him polit danger to his govt of letting Roem go ahead with some recommendation to it that oil industry cld not conceivably accept. I thought I shld not appeal to PriMin Sukiman unless and until recommendation by Roem committee unacceptable to Stanvac might be passed to govt and that any resort to Pres Sukarno shld be last appeal from any unfavorable govt position.
Told FonMin Subardjo afternoon 21st of progress conversations in Stanvac matter and particularly of call made on Hatta by Prioleau and myself. I told Subardjo we found Hatta quite sympathetic and understanding. Stanvac reps concerned, however, felt Roem might present initial recommendation of such character Stanvac cld not accept. I sought Subardjo’s cooperation toward restraining Roem from taking position which might subsequently embarrass Sukiman Govt.
- December 22.↩