656.56D/11–3051: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia
574. Australian Amb1 called on Acting Sec2 today under urgent instructions to request that Dept instruct Amer Amb to Djakarta to use his influence with Indonesian Govt to the end that it not denounce unilaterally Netherlands-Indonesian Union and that it not insist oil bringing up for discussion Irian question. Spender stressed Australian concern that if US did not take such action, which had already been taken by UK Govt, Indonesians would draw inference that US not as concerned and that Indonesia would not be subject to US displeasure if it took unilateral action.
Spender stated his Govt believes every effort should be made to “bed down” New Guinea issue as it fears if issue is raised at Hague it may be difficult for Indonesian Govt to back down and only result will be unilateral abrogation Union and possible drastic action ill New Guinea by Indonesians.
Ambassador was told US Govt shared Australian concern lest unilateral action be taken and also desired Irian question not be brought to a head at this time. It was pointed out that while in Paris Cochran had advised Subardjo against hasty unilateral action on abrogation of Union and that these sentiments had been repeated by Cochran upon his return to Djakarta. However US Govt did not believe it would be wise at this time to attempt to persuade Indonesians not to raise Irian question at Hague as it was US judgment that such attempt would only result in more intransigent position by Indonesians and probably would lead to unilateral abrogation of Union. Spender was told that in US opinion Indonesian Govt had no illusion about obtaining any immediate favorable result at the Hague on Irian question but that it felt it absolutely necessary at least to discuss matter in order to maintain position in Indonesia. Spender reiterated deep concern his Govt and made final plea that at least US would instruct its Ambassador at Djakarta to keep close watch over situation and do all in his power to prevent matter getting out of hand. Amb was told that US Amb Djakarta was keeping constant and close watch over situation but that US would be willing to inform him of deep Australian concern in this matter. Spender was left under no illusion that US would take parallel action to that of British although he was assured that US had deep interest and concern of safety of the whole South Pacific area including Australia and that while in general [Page 738] our aims were similar present problem involved question of tactics and it was here we differed.
Sent to AmEmbassy Djakarta priority 574; rpt to AmEmbassy Canberra 99, The Hague 728.