456D.6031/10–1251: Telegram

The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State


575. On eleventh Djuanda told me he had asked Subardjo, Wilopo and Darmasetiawan approve my being provided copies current bilateral trade agreements with Soviet satellites to enable me make intelligent report to Washington on application Kem amendment to Indo. I saw Subardjo this noon and raised this question.

I referred to story in yesterday’s local press to effect Indo about to conclude agreement with Czech whereunder tin wld be provided Czech against steel for Indo. I said no matter how sympathetically we may endeavor justify Indo position, embarrassment very likely since announcement this arrangement follows so shortly after Indo being excepted from Kem amendment on Sept 13. I still hoped it might be possible for tin and rubber be eliminated from Czech agreement. Subardjo said final decision wld be taken at Cabinet mtg tonight. I asked that either he or Djuanda phone me later as to result. I also urged that no new agreements be entered into which wld provide strategic materials to satellites and that as current agreements lapse such items be omitted from renewed agreements.

Subardjo had Asmaun deliver to me this afternoon copies current agreements with Poland, Ind, Hungary and also draft agreement with Czech. These will be transmitted by Emb despatch.1 Djuanda phoned 11 p. m. that Czech agreement assigned this morning by negotiators, contained tin and rubber, had not come up for final approval at tonight’s Cabinet mtg.

  1. Not printed.