656.56D/10–1051: Telegram

The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State


555. Neth H. C. Lamping called today fol his return from more than two months in Neth. He expressed pleasure at degree to which Sukiman Govt had improved in internatl policy in recent weeks. He brought up subj Indo desire replace RTC agreements with bilateral treaty. He said both Catholic and Labor Parties wld lose votes if they agreed liquidate union before Neth elections next summer. He feared such votes as they lose wld go to “reactionary” parties. Said he was basically on conservative side but after his years service India and then Indo he believes Neth shld make genuine effort negotiate new arrangement with Indo. He said PriMin Drees was quite displeased with Indo [Page 715] attitude and wanting “wash his hands of affair”. I reminded Lamping Drees had worked with us at RTC and was entirely aware objections both sides to Union statute. Compromise was best we cld accomplish on that well as on New Guinea. Lamping asked whether I thought Indos wld still be unpleasant with Neth over New Guinea if Neth gave Indo acceptable treaty replacing RTC. I told him US had consistently taken position parties shld endeavor negotiate amicable and mutually satisfactory solution New Guinea. He said neither side would yield. I expressed opinion Indo wld not relinquish claim to New Guinea. When Lamping persisted and asked whether I thought Indos wld cause trouble, I simply said I cld not guarantee that clamor for NG wld cease with negot satis bilateral treaty replacing RTC. Lamping said it wld be his preference see negots replace RTC postponed one year but he knows Indos will not agree to such delay and he feared Neth interests might suffer thru delay. He said matter might be simplified by Indo cancelling RTC agreement and taking consequences. I made no comment.
