460.509/9–2851: Telegram

The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State


493. Darmasetiawan asked me yesterday evening about status Indo under Kem Amendment. I had sent FonOff note Sept 18 to effect Indo granted exception under Kem Amendment and had enclosed therewith copy Kem Amendment. I explained Darmasetiawan orally this exception valid until December 30 unless Battle bill or other legislation may become effective before that date.

I told Darmasetiawan I had refrained from bringing up question Indo position under US legislation pertinent to exports ad Soviet bloc until question Jap peace treaty ratification clarified. I had hoped final American legislation might be enacted meantime. I felt, now that Darmasetiawan had raised subj, I shld let him know US concern over Indo presently being in negot with Czech for extension trade agreement which might include export Indo tin and other strategic materials. I said it was this type trade agreement US wld undoubtedly have to look into under whatever legis is in force. I said any story emanating from Djakarta just now in regard to Czech receiving strategic materials from this country might have unfortunate repercussions in US.

In answer Darmasetiawan’s query, I said I wld be ready discuss Kem Amendment and related matters with him and Palar at his pleasure. It wld be my intention follow general lines set forth numbered points third para Embtel 471. I would of course make strongest effort eliminate all Indo export strategic materials to Commie countries.
