493.009/6–2351: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia
1407 Reurtel 1807 Jun 22.1 We strongly concur your recom that US let Indo know firmly and plainly that we expect unconditional embargo on rubber under UN formula. At your discretion you shld make it crystal clear to Indo Govt we hope Indo will announce unconditional rubber embargo pursuant UNAMC res. You shld add that failure to include rubber in UN embargo wld foreshadow performance or lack of it on part Indos which wld appear make it difficult for Indo certify under Kem Amendment. You may express earnest hope Indo Govt will make favorable decision at Cabinet mtg scheduled Jun 26 and will instruct Palar submit report to UNAMC with rubber included therein.
In consequence discussions with Palar by USUN and at our suggestion by Amb Ali, Palar said Jun 22 he delaying report “for time being.” Dept asking USUN suggest to Palar he delay until he has received instructions from Indo Govt fol scheduled cabinet mtg.
If you consider it nec to forestall possible premature action by Palar you may suggest he be instructed await cabinet decision.
You may remind Indos Brit Govt publicly announced on Jun 19 embargo list including rubber and rubber products indicated Deptel 1384 Jun 16.
Sent to AmEmbassy Djakarta priority 1407; rptd info USUN New York priority 1011.
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