756D.5–MAP/5–2351: Telegram

The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State


1634. Toisa. MDAP $5 million program Indo provides equipment mobile constabulary of civil police. Major items three mil part program recd just prior October 7. Between then and 31 March recd 8,000 pistols some spare parts. During period under review equipment issued and training occurred. Await under balance $2 million radios, armored cars, machine guns, 100–¾th ton trucks and spare parts for items recd. “Training aid” requests filed to extent $10,000 but no deliveries yet recd.

Basic purpose is to equip and train. First requirement was to standardize and nationalize police security forces. First unit training school mobile brigade using MDAP equipment opened 1 November. Two additional sub-schools and two radio schools opened since first of year. 4,000 police now training. Effect of program on operating forces not fully felt as of 31 March, although all vehicles, some radios and 8 weapons provided under program already seen heavy use.

After more than 10 years war or civil strife conditions law and order not yet restored in newly sovereign Indo. Many dissident and bandit groups remain. Commie inspired strikes and disorders continue occur particularly in important ports. Civil police called upon cooperate with mil in pacifying country. Taking over increasingly from mil task maintaining order. Aside from increasing efficiency and improving morale of police with modern equipment, govt strengthened thereby in demonstrating to nation determination suppress dangerous and unlawful elements. Armored cars and heavier weapons under order still necessary to equal or surpass equipment of outlaws (ref Depcirctel May 18 recd 22nd).1

  1. Not printed.