756D.13/4–2751: Telegram
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State
1500. Composition and program as reported by press, of Sukiman Govt which was announced by Sukarno 9:30 p. m., Apr 26 covered by Embtels 14951 and 1496.2 Biographic data on Cabinet members and analysis new govt make-up and prospects will follow by mail.2 Embtel 14992 describes Cabinet formation.
Visited FonMin Roem 5:30 p. m., Apr 26. He had been occupied with final consultations Masjumi Party leaders on support Sukiman Govt. Since Sjafruddin and Roem had been backing Natsir as PriMin over Sukiman, three of them not included in new govt. Roem thought his group had put welfare of country above party politics by sacrificing some of their own leaders to permit formation Cabinet which wld prevent Sartono from tying PNI up with Leftist elements. He was slightly bitter in remarking there were really four Cabinet formateurs, meaning Sukarno and Hatta had asserted themselves strongly insisting on coalition between Masjumi and PNI under Sukiman with inclusion in Cabinet of individuals considered likely carry out Pres’s ideas. Roem was indefinite about his own future but hinted he might practice law Djakarta. Some of his friends feel he wld welcome reappointment High Comm Hague or Amb Wash.
Visited Djuanda 6:30 p. m. 26th. He confirmed he wld participate in new Cabinet. He thought as finally constituted it represents team [Page 643] that can work together much more effectively than Natsir Govt. While Roem was skeptical ability new govt survive, Djuanda thinks it has good chance success. Djuanda not alarmed by inclusion Subardjo,3 Yamin4 and some others about whom he realized foreigners might have reservations. He anticipates responsibilities of office may moderate ideas which Yatin5 has expressed as critical Parliament member. Djuanda does not expect any big reversal of Natsir Govt policy. He is pleased with one of his former assistants Sujono Hadinoto being named Min Trade and Industry his only concern being re this man’s health.
My opinion is that Natsir, Sjafruddin and Roem, altho individually outstanding in ability and character, provided govt with ineffectual leadership, partly result excessive loyalty to Masjumi and hesitancy to take drastic measures against Taruq Islam,6 and partly due to stubborn opposition to bringing few PNI into Natsir Cabinet. Altho they individually professed strong anti-Commie feelings, they never took advantage of opportunity afforded them as leading party in govt to formulate forceful policy against Communism. Roem had profited from international experience but was still rather naive in some of his concepts of an independent policy and of possible accomplishments by Arab-Asiatic group.
While we shall miss some friends retiring from Cabinet it is entirely possible our relations can be as good with Sukiman Govt or even better than with Natsir. Big advantage shld be that Sukiman Govt will have working majority in Parliament and support of Sukarno and Hatta. Strong pressure for amending RTC agreements and acquiring Irian will ensure, but likelihood of move in this direction has been evident for many months. While announcement of formation cabinet did not mention Sultan Jogja, it is understood he will be Chief of Staff of Armed Forces position he has desired for long time. This shld give him comparatively free hand to work towards pacification of country and establishment of order. My conviction is that future of Indonesia over next few years depends importantly upon Sukarno, Hatta and Sultan Jogja. If these three men can now work closely together and with sympathetic govt representing truly nationalist Indonesian aspirations I believe progress can be made towards a stronger state. Some aspects thereof may not be Western, but no reason to expect anti-Western attitude.
Not printed; in telegram 1495 from Djakarta, April 27, Ambassador Cochran reported the composition of the new government. The following list includes only the principal posts.
Ministry Party Prime Minister Dr. Sukiman Wirjosandjojo Masjumi Deputy Prime Minister Suwirjo PNI Foreign Affairs Mr. Achmad Subardjo Masjumi Interior Mr. Iskaq Tjokroadisurjo PNI Defense Sumitro Kolopaking PIR Justice Mr. Mohammad Yamin Nonparty Information Arnold Mononutu PNI Finance Mr. Jusuf Wibisono Masjumi Agriculture Ir. Suwarto Catholic Trade and Industry Mr. Sujono Hadinoto PNI Communications Ir. Djuanda Nonparty (756D.13/4–2751) - Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Achmad Subardjo, Minister of Foreign Affairs.↩
- Muhammad Yamin, Minister of Justice.↩
- Presumably this is a reference to Muhammad Yamin.↩
- Presumably the reference is to Darul Islam.↩