756D.00/4–1651: Telegram
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State
1438. Cabinet friend (Djuanda)1 visited me afternoon 14th. Said PNI had failed arrive at working arrangement with Masjumi for formation govt and had now also come to conclusion could not form govt leaving out Masjumi and depending on leftist parties. Djuanda said most PNI leaders balked at idea taking in Communist minister as some leftists suggested. Said strife had become so acute however between Masjumi and PNI that neither party can yield directly to other.
I mentioned press report 13th PNI willing accept as nonparty formateur either Hatta, Sultan Jogja or Djuanda and let Premiership go to Masjumi. Djuanda said PNI had not discussed this matter with him. He said Masjumi leaders had however visited his home night 13th asking whether he would be willing act as formateur. He said he had told PNI some days ago he would not be willing accept minister-ship [Page 637] in govt leaving out Masjumi and depending upon leftist support. To Masjumi leaders he indicated he thought best policy would be have Hatta act as formateur without taking cabinet post.
Djuanda thinks President within next few days will accept return of mandate from Sartono and ask non-politician form Cabinet. Djuanda feels Hatta should be given full responsibility by two major parties select best men therefrom to fill ministerial positions. He thinks it unwise bring in representatives from smaller parties since their support would not be required if Masjumi and PNI cooperate and since experience with small parties has to date not been satisfactory. He agreed there might be one or two small party representatives such as Leimena2 who has made public plea for Sukarno and Hatta to intervene to prevent further deterioration Indonesia. I expressed hope Djuanda would remain. He was non-committal, stating he had tried keep away from political leaders during this crisis. In answer my question he thought Sumitro and other Socialists would be left out if two coalition idea is adopted. As to any influence by Sjahrir,3 Djuanda said this leader absent from Indonesia during crisis with no instructions left to his party members and latter not able be counted upon for any firm position or policy. He admitted several bright young men in Socialist Party, but said they did not inspire too much confidence just now.
In answer my query whether I should undertake any negotiations now on military aid agreement etc., Djuanda advised strongly against it. Said both Masjumi and PNI anxious not to take any decisions which might be used against them politically. Said that once strong govt of two principal parties is formed there might possibly follow firmer position in favor of free nations and move away from attempt retain independent foreign policy.
FonMin Roem told me morning 15th decision now rests with President Sukarno as to next step to take toward forming Cabinet. Roem thinks President should ask Hatta form govt consisting principally of Masjumi and PNI. Said Hatta visited Natsir night 13th to review situation. Roem says Sultan Jogja and Djuanda acceptable to both parties as ministers even though not party members. He would like see Sjafruddin continue as Minister of Finance but said Sjafruddin disgusted over political bickering. Masjumi would try get him take Ministership Defense if he does not remain in Finance. Roem expects presidential announcement shortly on govt formation.